Diameter est shackle est 5mm. Potest accommodare VI Padlocks ut managed simul.
Designatus Lockout Hasp factum ex ferro, maxime solitaria profeci, densis puncta sunt securus utor et accipere, superficies est tractata cum summus temperatus plastic spargit, quae non facile iniret aperire et durabile.
Diameter est shackle est 5mm. Potest accommodare VI Padlocks ut managed simul.
Venit cum rewrable label ad auxilium vobis servo semita of servicer notitia et statum.
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The Labeled Lockout Hasp features a 5mm diameter jaw clearance It can accommodate 6 padlocks to be managed at the same time.Labeled lockout hasp Made of steel , most isolated locking points are easy to use and accept,the surface has been treated with high-temperature plastic spraying, which is not easy to be pried open and can effectively prevent rust, very strong and durable. Includes summus visibility, scribere-in salutem pittacium ad identify persona.