Industrial Safety Padlocks habet (ø6mm, H25mm) obduratum ferro shackle, quae sunt idoneam ad industriae lockout-tagout usu in PROMMIXUS locis, ut ne accidentalis
Industrial salus Padlock dividitur in ferro Padlock, nylon Padlock Padlock, Steel Padlock, Aluminium Padlock et Micro Padlock cum functioni et disposuerat, et disposito per seriem et padlock cum functioni, et disposito per seriem, et ut clavis retinentes.
"In padlock adopset related nylon unus-pars iniectio-fingitur clausum testa, quod est repugnans ad temperatus difference (-20 ° - + CLXXVII °), impulsum resistentia et corrosio resistentia.
Sunt X vexillum colores eligere a: Rubrum, flavo, hyacintho, viridi, nigrum, album, orange, purpura, brunneis, griseo. Potest obviam genere salutem procuratio. Variis coloribus potest customized secundum mos requisita. "
Padlock cylindrum factum est ex cadmiae mley, quod potest esse ex aeris, immaculatam ferro et aliis materiae, et Auto Popup clausum vincula et potest esse nativus. Zinc alloy cylinder is 12-14 pins , it can realize that more than 100,000pcs padlocks do not open each other.Copper cylinder is 6 pins , it can realize that more than 60,000pcs padlocks do not open each other.
Safety Padlock habet clavem retinendi pluma et clavis non potest extraxerunt in aperto statu, ut ne clavis ab quod pereunt. Et non-PROLIXUS, non-sparking testa de padlock potest custodiat operarios ex electrica inpulsa.
Et clavem de padlock potest esse customized cum diversis color key operit, ieiunium idem cum color matched clausum et clavis.
Admix cum OSHA Latin: I employee = I padlock = I key.
Key Management System: differunt, keyed idem, differunt & dominus Key, & Magister Key.
Wenzhou BOSHI (BOZZYS) specializes in producing safety padlock&lockout(LOTO) Chinese factory, a complete variety of products, we produce safety padlock, safety hasp, valve lockout, industrial electrical lockout, cable lockout, cylinder lock, lockout station and other products.BOZZYS With 11 years of experience in program design and production experience, we provide and design professional, applicable management solutions for many equipment.