Locks the “other end” of the power cord so it cannot connect to the device, often suitable for devices that plug into a removable power input, 3-pin plug connection (IEC plug)
Power spinalis Lockout
Locks the “other end” of the power cord so it cannot connect to the device, often suitable for devices that plug into a removable power input, 3-pin plug connection (IEC plug)
Ne alienum usum 110-120v electrica apparatu vel machinery.
Hoc obfirmatis densis et ne plug ex inserta in a vivere potestas fons.
Usus est in laesis apparatu ne alienum activation.
Non est opus addere in padlock, in cincinno potest compleri cum constructum-in cincinno cylindri.
Obturaculum densis clip paxillos ad 110-120 Volt plugs
Convenit duo fundati et impugnet plugs