Түгжигч Tagout
Wenzhou Boshi Safety Products Co.,Ltd, established in 2011, is a professional manufacturer, specializing in all kinds of lockout tagout & safety products to help avoiding industrial accidents,which are caused by the unexpected energization or start up of machines and equipments by the uncontrolled release of energy.Our safety lockouts are safety padlock,safety hasp,safety valve lockout,safety cable lockout,circuit breaker lockout , хуссан шошго, түгжээг түгжигдэх станц гэх мэт.
Our company takes an area of 10000m² and have more than 200 employees, including a professional sales team ,30 engineers R&D team,production team and so on.To cater our domestic and foreign clientele, we presently have more than 210 state of the art manufacturing and quality control facilities that are at par with international standards,have obtained more than 30 patent certificates,and have passed OSHAS18001, ISO14001, ISO90011, ISO9001, ATEX, ATEX, EX, EV, CQC, CQC болон бусад туршилтын гэрчилгээ.
Үйлдвэр нь 10099M талбайг хамарна
200 гаруй идэвхтэй ажилтан
Бүтээгдэхүүний ангилал 400+